Potomac Football Elite Big Man Camp
Grades 7-10, June 17 – 21 (closed June 19)
If you’re an aspiring lineman on the gridiron, this is the ultimate camp for you! Developed and directed by former NCAA Division I football players and wrestlers with over 60 years of combined coaching experience, the sports synergy camp is specifically designed for the up and coming big men of the football scene in the Washington, DC Metro area. Enrollment is limited!
This one-week commuter camp will include the following:
- Offensive/Defensive line instruction including: Tip of the Spear blocking and block destruction techniques; heads up tackling principles; zone run blocking; pass protection and pass rushing skills; and general football agility and fitness drills
- Fundamental and intermediate wrestling techniques specifically designed for success in the heavier weight-classes; tumbling and agility exercises tailored to the big man with an emphasis on synergy to football principles; wrestling-specific drills and competition designed to harness your inner-barbarian
- Yoga sessions designed to improve flexibility, injury prevention, and mental focus
- Nutrition workshops targeting maximum performance
- Introductory weight and conditioning sessions led by certified strength trainers
- Swimming periods designed for refreshment, relaxation, and rejuvenation
- Barbarian outdoor physical training sessions in our 90 acres of wooded campus
Read about Coach C.J. Remmo Varsity Head Football Coach & Varsity Head Wrestling Coach, and see sample schedule. See what Coach Remmo’s graduates have to say!
9:00 am-3:00 pm, Monday-Friday (closed on Wednesday, June 19)
$450 per four-day week