Health and Wellness
Our camp nurse and the office staff are on duty daily, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Many of our staff are First Aid and CPR/AED certified, and there are eleven AEDs located throughout our campus.
Medication at Camp
If your child requires prescription or non-prescription medication during camp, a Medication Authorization Form needs to be on file in the nurse’s office. A completed form and medication must be given to the nurse’s office in the original packaging with the child’s name and the physician’s instructions. Completed forms may be emailed to the nurse’s office at any time after April. We begin accepting medication the week prior to the start of camp.
For the safety of all campers, medication cannot be sent to or from camp in a camper’s backpack. All medications must be delivered to the Nurse by a parent or an authorized adult.
Medications must be picked up by a parent or an authorized adult within 14 days after an authorization expires, or a camper’s attendance ends; the nurse will dispose of unclaimed medication. Please email the nurse’s office to arrange a time to pick-up medication after camp hours
Sunscreen/Insect Repellent
During the online registration, parents can grant permission to Summer@Potomac staff to assist with applying the no-contact spray products. Without this permission and the necessary product, Summer@Potomac staff member(s) will not apply these products, so campers should know how to apply them independently. Sunscreen and/or insect repellent must be in the original container and labeled with your camper’s name.
Sick Policy
During camp, we have a licensed health care professional on duty from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm each day. Should your camper become ill, you will be notified and asked to pick up your child within one hour. Your emergency contact should be notified of this policy in the event you are unable to meet the one-hour policy. (We do not allow campers to arrive or picked up by any car service, including taxi, Uber, Lyft, etc.)
Campers with any illness need to be kept at home and may require a physician’s evaluation before returning to campus. A child with a fever must be kept at home for a minimum of 24 hours and up to 72 hours after their temperature has returned to normal; each situation will be reviewed case-by-case with the Health Services Office. Campers may not attend if they have a temperature over 100 degrees F, are vomiting, have gastric symptoms, a sore throat, severe cold, cough or are excessively fatigued.
Communicable Disease
You must notify Summer Programs within 24 hours, or on the next business day, if your child or anyone in your household has developed a reportable communicable disease. The Reportable Disease list may be found on the Virginia Department of Health website or click here.